Abu Rayhan Muhammad Ibn Ahmad (Al-Biruni)part 3

Part 3

 Research in India

 The first famous book on Hindus in Arabic language, the full name of which is Research Ma Lallhind Min Muqalat Maqboola fi Al-Aql O Marzula.  This book has been a source of historians for centuries on the history, customs and religious traditions of India and still holds the same importance today.  To obtain the material for Kitab Al-Hind, Al-Biruni spent years touring famous Hindu centers in the Punjab, learning the difficult language of Sanskrit and studying ancient Sanskrit literature firsthand.  Then all kinds of religious, cultural and social information, which he got about the people of India, was written in this book.  This book examines Hindu beliefs, customs and practices in an unbiased and bias-free manner.  This is the first book through which the beliefs and other information of Hinduism reached the Arab scholar class regarding its original sources. This book has also been translated into Urdu language as Tarikh Hindustan: A Detailed History of Hindu Dharma by Arshad Booksellers.  , published by Mirpur Azad Kashmir. But the name of the translator is not written on the book.

 Kitab Muqalid Ilm Al-Hiyyah and Yahadith fi Basit al-Kara.

 Law Masudi

 This is al-Biruni's most extensive work, which he named after Mas'ud, the son of Sultan Mahmud Aznavi and the ruler of that time.  It was published in 1030 and surpassed all the books that had been written at that time on the subjects of mathematics, astrology, astronomy and scientific sciences.  The scholarly position of this book is no less than Ptolemy's book al-Majisti.

 The Book of Extraction of Avatar per Al-Dairah.

 Kitab Istiyab al-Ujuh al-Mumkina per page of al-Astralab.

 Kitab Al-Amal Bala Astrolabe.

 Kitab al-Tatabiq al-Haraka al-Shams.

 Kitab Kafiyyah Rasoom al-Hind fi Taalam al-Hisaab.

 Book per research Manazil al-Qamar.

 Kitab Jala-ul-Izhan fi Zaij Al-Batani.

 Kitab al-Saidalah fi al-Tib.

 The Book of Visions.

 The Book Table of Al-Qawim.

 The book Miftah Ilm al-Hiyyah.

 Kitab Tahzeef Fasul al-Furghani.

 The book Izhah al-Idlah Ali Kafiyyah towards the Qiblah.

 The Book of Imagining the Order of Fajr and Dusk in the direction of East and West Min al-Afiq.

 Kitab al-Tafhim Lawail Sanaa al-Tanjim.

 Kitab al-Masail al-Hindsiyyah.

 Essay on correcting the length and width of the dwellings

 Discoveries of Al-Biruni

 The list of his discoveries is quite long, he discovered the method of determining specific gravity, divided an angle into three equal parts, theoretically and practically researched the pressure on liquids and their equilibrium, he stated that fountains  How water moves from the bottom to the top, he also clarified how water maintains its level in different shapes of containers connected to each other, he formulated the theory of the earth's circumference and warned that the earth's axis  spinning around

Al-Biruni's Laboratory, Nandana Fort, Jhelum District, Pakistan The laboratory of the famous 10th-century scientist Abu Rehan Muhammad bin Al-Biruni is located in the large city of Pind Dadan Khan in Nandana Fort, Jhelum quarter.  He was attached to Mahmud Ghaznavi's court.  Came to Klarkahar with Afghan army.  The Afghans built this laboratory on Al-Biruni's design, in which he used the peaks of these mountains to directly estimate the overall dimensions of the earth.  According to Albiruni, the circumference of the Earth was 3928.77, while according to NASA's ultramodern calculations, it is 3847.80, a difference of only 81 km.  Al-Biruni wrote more than 250 books.  Al-Biruni is the only scientist who wrote Kitab Al-Hind.  Al-Biruni fell to Ghazni Afghanistan in 1050 and is buried there.

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